Kavanah: A Progressive Jewish Voice, Along With The Social Justice Film Series, Presents:
PROMISES — the Film
Monday, April 17th 7:30pm TITU (Look for "Promises: Social Justice Film Series")
Running time, 106 minutes.
Arabic, Hebrew and English dialogue with English subtitles.
Abstract below.
PROMISES follows the journey of one of the filmmakers, Israeli-
American B.Z. Goldberg. B.Z. travels to a Palestinian refugee camp and
to an Israeli settlement in the West Bank, and to the more familiar
neighborhoods of Jerusalem where he meets seven Palestinian and
Israeli children.
Though the children live only 20 minutes apart, they exist in
completely separate worlds; the physical, historical and emotional
obstacles between them run deep.
PROMISES explores the nature of these boundaries and tells the story
of a few children who dared to cross the lines to meet their
neighbors. Rather than focusing on political events, the seven
children featured in PROMISES offer a refreshing, human and sometimes
humorous portrait of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
PROMISES, a film by Justine Shapiro, B.Z. Goldberg and co-director and
editor Carlos Bolado, was shot between 1995-2000.
To find out more about the film and the project please go to:
The Social Justice Film Series is an open space for activists to share and unite in struggle, sponsored by:
Amnesty International (UW and local chapters), The Madison InfoShop, Student Labor Action Coalition (SLAC), UW Stop the War!, Action In Sudan, Community Action on Latin America (CALA), Kavanah (A Progressive Jewish Voice), The Homeless Cooperative, Madison Warming Center Campaign (MWCC), the LGBT Campus Center, Al-Awda (the Palestinian Right to Return Coalition), Madison Fair Trade Action Alliance (MadFTAA), FH King Students for Sustainable Agriculture, the Campus Women's Center, Family Farm Defenders, MultiCultural Student Coaltion (MCSC), MEChA (El Movimiento Estudiantil Chicano de Aztlan), Industrial Workers of the World, (IWW-Madison Chapter) and the Madison Observer.