Sunday, October 19, 2008

Reel Geezers

Producer Marcia Nasatir and Screenwriter Lorenzo Semple Jr. are The Reel Geezers. They post their YouTube movie commentary based on nearly a century of combined experience in the film game. Their Web site, provides details on their careers and links to all of their current reviews.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Must see Documentaries...

Wired magazine called it, "The scariest movie at the Sundance Film Festival."

Irena Salina's award-winning documentary Flow, investigates what experts are calling the most important political and environmental issue of the 21st century - the world water crisis. Salina builds a case against the growing privatization of the world's dwindling fresh water supply and a domineering water cartel. This film intelligently reveals the rapidly building crisis along with practical solutions which are fast becoming blueprints for a successful global and economic water turnaround.