Friday, March 17, 2006

"'V for Vendetta' is a pro-revolutionary, action-adventure romp that makes other political films look like 'Little House on the Prairie.'" says Anthony Kaufman in Anarchism, Hollywood-Style posted in AlterNet. The conservative managers at Cinema 6 must have let this one slip by since it poses as sci-fi set in Britain...
Set in the year 2020, "V for Vendetta" takes place in a fascistic London, some time after "America's war grew worse and worse," as one character narrates, "when unfamiliar words like 'collateral' and 'rendition' became frightening." The government is a cross between a full-blown totalitarian state and the current administration's scare tactics: with constant surveillance, a citywide "yellow-coded curfew" that instills paranoia and restricts nighttime movement, and a menacing band of secret police called "Fingermen" who patrol the streets and harass the citizens.
Somehow all that seems just like yesterday.

WARNING... don't click that link above unless you want to more than you should about V before you see it.

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