Thursday, May 04, 2006

Robert Greenwald sent the following update on his forthcoming film:
Dear activists, colleagues and friends:


We are stunned, energized and very moved by your outpouring of generosity to help make "Iraq for Sale: The War Profiteers." In the last eight days, you democratized film and political story telling. It's quite remarkable.

Overall, we raised $347,094, just blasting through our $300,000 goal! 2,701 of you contributed an average of $60. Because of that momentum, two large donors pushed us over the top: Erika Glazer and Dick Mazess who champions many great causes, most notably All of the money will be put to use specifically for this film, both for production and now with some funds to help with outreach, education and distribution.

But first we have to make the movie... so filming starts next week!

The plan: We shoot through the month of May with Kerry Candaele (story producer) and Nick Higgins (director of photography) on the road most of the time while story producers Abbie Hurewitz and Amanda Spain continue researching and interviewing. Lisa Remington is our line producer holding it all together with Ricardo Acuna assisting.

Come June, we'll edit. Carla Gutierrez and Mike Stanley (with Mike Beegle assisting) will start the cutting marathon so we can finish in late July or early August. Sarah and Devin are insisting late July, but I am begging for early August. (This happens with every film!)

And then it’s back to you to take the country by storm beginning in late September!

Stay tuned and hang onto your seats. This is explosive stuff. Your faith and money brings this to life. In September we will need your help again, this time by screening, writing, protesting, organizing and using the film to register new and mobilize voters to force the issue right into the heat of the '06 elections.

We can and will change the way this country runs.

And from the bottom of all our hearts at Brave New Films, THANK YOU for your incredible support!

Robert Greenwald

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